Meet Cristina
A Master Stylist with 30+ Years of Design Experience
Cristina Watson, LHS
I’m a loving wife, proud mom of two 22-year-old girls and also a master stylist.
About 13 years ago I had septum surgery and a little work on the side (wink). I had to go back into work not that long after surgery with a very ugly white cast on that was not remotely fashionable. I felt like a walking train wreck, people would try not to stare, but they just couldn’t help it.
That day, I cut the tape on the sides of the tape shorter, trimmed my stitches and blinged it out.
I walked out into the salon and POOF that was the birth of Bella Bling.
People started asking if it was some kind of jewelry, smiling at me and telling me how cute it was.
I know first hand how Bella Bling will help patients feel better and look fabulous about having an injury or surgery with the addition of Bella Bling to the healing process.
It’s time for a cast that doesn’t detract from your look, or having a cast that elevates your every day looks!